Social shares are just a popularity contest. 社交共享仅仅是一场竞赛,比拼的是受欢迎程度。
Unlike many other annual publications, the list is not a popularity contest. 不同于其他年度榜单,这个榜单并不是知名度的大竞赛。
You have to forget about winning a popularity contest. 你最好还是偃旗息鼓好好休息。
High school's electing the senior high's president may have more to do with a popularity contest than leadership. 高中学生选学生会主席时,也许更多看重的是人气。
We didn't want to go that stupid popularity contest. 我们才不想去那个白痴地方。
I cite this to make a point: leadership is not a popularity contest. 我举这个例子是想说明一点:,领导力不是人气大比拼。
There is something apt about a social networking website winning a popularity contest. 社交网站赢得人气竞赛,倒是比较自然。
Dani Kaufmann, one of the report's authors, told the Financial Times: We are not in this to win any popularity contest. 该报告作者之一的达尼•考夫曼(DaniKaufmann)对英国《金融时报》表示:我们这么做不是为了赢得任何的声望。
High school popularity ain't a contest, it's a war. 在高校中对声望的争夺不仅仅是争夺,而是战争。
This hourly-updated popularity contest has recently been dominated by Taiwan's Asus rather than Silicon Valley's Apple. 最近,这场每小时更新一次的人气竞赛一直为台湾的华硕(Asus)所主导,而不是硅谷的苹果(Apple)。
It's more than a popularity contest. 这不仅仅是受欢迎度的竞争。
A suggestion-enabled search is like an instant popularity contest. 为搜索提供建议,这好比是即时的“流行度大比拼”。
The fund is designed to push tough policies to straighten out countries that have mismanaged finances, not win a popularity contest. IMF的宗旨是推动出台强硬政策,以整顿财政管理不善的国家,而不是为了让政客们赢得人气。
We want leaders who are authentic rather than contestants in a popularity contest. 我们需要那种可信的领袖,而不是那种争夺公众注意力的人。
Not all companies feel the need to compete in this grim popularity contest. 并非所有的公司都感到有必要参与这场令人生厌的人气比赛。
The system of reasonable athletic contest is advantageous to promote the popularity and improvement of sports. And it can bring people's intiative of participating in athletic contest into full play. 合理的体育竞赛体制不仅有利于推动体育运动的普及和提高,而且能充分调动人们参与体育竞赛的积极性。